William Dean Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 5 months ago

William Dean Public School has an enrolment of 320 students, including 43% of students from a non-English speaking background. The school implements programs that focus on literacy and numeracy with high expectations, collaborative practices and evidence based teaching. Collaborative and consultative practices drive the school’s strategic directions and school plan. The 2018-2020 school plan has a strong emphasis on developing programs that foster innovative, future focussed practices where students have the opportunity to excel and to enhance their creative and critical thinking. The school has developed learning environments that support the use of technology to enhance learning. The students have the opportunity to participate in a range of extra curricula programs including debating, public speaking, dance and choir. There is a strong focus on student wellbeing, inclusion, active participation and recognition of achievements. The school is supported by an actively engaged and enthusiastic parent community from diverse backgrounds.

02 96265200
02 98371151
Yarramundi Drive
Dean Park
New South Wales
15 Yarramundi Dr
