Bangarra Dance Theatre - Ochres

Category Activity
Year Levels Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12
Product Rating
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Resource Description

Ochres is a dance work in four parts (plus a prologue) which explores the spiritual significance , the traditional uses and medicinal power of ochre, while also illustrating the essence of culture - its strength, its contemporary relevance and its power to heal and nurture. The themes in Bangarra's production Ochres, are portrayed as separate colours - Yellow, Black, Red, White. This is not a literal interpretation. It is a dance theatre interpretation to illustrate ancestry, culture and people.
  • Files included (2)

Bangarra Dance Theatre - Ochres (for Primary)
pdf, 922.8 KB
Bangarra Dance Theatre - Ochres (for Secondary)
pdf, 523.3 KB