ALEA National Conference 2019

Literacy Empowering Voices: Reflecting the Past, Viewing the Present, Scripting the Future.

Date July 9, 2019 - July 12, 2019
Time 9:00am - 5:00pm

We would like to warmly welcome you to Melbourne, Victoria, for the 2019 ALEA National Conference. This year's conference theme is Literacy Empowering Voices: Reflecting the Past, Viewing the Present, Scripting the Future.

With the sub themes of:

  • The language of stories - Learning to craft and comprehend text (incl. print, oral digital, games etc.)
  • Literacy as power: Voice, identity and dangerous stories, past, present and future.
  • Literacy capability: Literacy across the curriculum.

We are delighted to have inspiring international and national speakers, who will address the conference theme and subthemes within local, national and international contexts. In addition to our plenary and keynote speakers there will be a variety of concurrent sessions to meet the professional learning needs of literacy and English educators, Please consider answering our call for presentations and share your literacy practices, knowledge and research with your professional peers.

As well as the fabulous keynote and concurrent sessions that we will be offering, we are proud to be showcasing the best that Melbourne has to offer in some of our exciting social and cultural events. We are excited at the prospect of welcoming delegates from Australia, the Asia-Pacific region, and from around the world – we look forward to you attending the conference, sharing, celebrating, and networking with colleagues who share your passion about inspiring confidence, excellence, creativity and a love of language, literature and literacy in future generations.

Pullman Melbourne on the Park 192 Wellington Parade
Melbourne VIC