But how does this really work? Is this initiative really making a difference?

We are convinced this initiative really works.

Last year we received the following heart-warming tale from a teacher of just one little boy’s change of circumstance.

“Recently we had a situation where the recess bell rang and all the students ran from the classroom excitedly while one student walked slowly, visually slumped. He picked up his empty bag, he double-checked to see if there was lunch packed for him but sadly, he had nothing. I discreetly gave him some Smarrt Cookie bars. It was the perfect solution to help lift his spirits so he could enjoy lunch with his peers.”

Every Stage order, results in Select Staging Concepts donating from our own profits to this worthwhile cause.

Want to give more hungry Australian children opportunities to feel and act just like their school friends?

Then just contact our Sales Team, place an order, and know we are working with RRT, contributing on your behalf, so more "Smarrt Cookie" Breakfast Bars are available to more Australian schools, and so the mental health of hungry school children is improved.

Click here for more information on Select Effect