Busby West Public School

School / Last updated 2 years, 7 months ago

Busby West Public School is an inclusive P-6 school with an enrolment of 400 students. This includes 2 preschool classes, 12 mainstream K-6 classes and 7 support unit classes. The school has a shared commitment to ensure all students connect, succeed and thrive. Strong relationships with parents and carers have been built and fostered through regular and positive communication and interaction. Students come from a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds with 8% of the student population identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and 74% from English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D). The current FOEI is 145. The school values are underpinned by Positive Behaviour for Learning and incorporate Berry Street Educational Model, to support students to be safe, be respectful and be active learners.

The Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction position is a leadership role dedicated to ensuring that literacy and numeracy knowledge and skills are embedded in curriculum and assessment; high quality teaching practices are enhanced; and the capabilities of middle leaders are strengthened in literacy and numeracy instruction. It shares the broader educational imperatives of the Assistant Principal position but with an explicit focus on the leadership of effective, evidence-based literacy and numeracy teaching and assessment practices for improved student learning outcomes across the curriculum.

The Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction provides high support and guidance to enhance teacher growth and development in literacy and numeracy and strengthens schoolwide instructional capabilities across the curriculum for middle and senior leaders.

02 96077573
02 96084936
Rundle Rd
New South Wales
Rundle Rd
